Ayudando a los estudiantes de Los Cabos a alcanzar sus sueños.


On Thursday September 27th, the event of “UABCS Business Forum” took place at the Universidad de Baja California Sur, where one of our students: Fernando de Jesus Hernandez presented his business project on “Cerveceria Quetzalcoalt”. Fernando was also asked to be the host of the event which showed his leadership and initiative. Congratulations Fernando!

The Green Scholarship Program supported the event by contacting two leader business owners of Los Cabos to give a presentation on Business Success: Ing. Mauricio Balderrama Garcia- Cabo Surf Hotel Director, and Carlos Damy, Elena Damy Director. Both keynote speakers did an amazing job sharing their insights with the students and giving them advice on different strategies to be successful. The university awarded both speakers with a recognition diploma for their participation in the event. Special thanks for Mauricio and Carlos for supporting our GSP students!

GSP is proud to have our students standing out, as well as supporters who understand the importance of helping others and making a difference in Los Cabos!


From left to right: Lic. Carlos Damy- Elena Damy Director; Lic. Vanessa Sanchez- GSP Executive Director; Fernando de Jesús Hernandez- GSP scholar; Ing. Mauricio Balderrama- Cabo Surf Hotel Director.


Fernando de Jesús Hernandez & university work team- GSP scholar.