of Los Cabos to achieve
their dreams through

achieves its mission through
3 main programs
To date we have helped 178 young students through university education and vocational training.
Each student receives an average of 250 hours of English lessons per school year.
Each student receives an average of 20 hours of life skills seminars per year.
To achieve its vision, GSP has a mission to:
Support youth in their advanced education or vocational development by providing scholarships, English classes, vocational training, and life skills seminars to ensure that youth are productive, conscientious, and educated members of our community.
“Learning is a treasure that follows
its owner everywhere”
Our programs
Green Scholarship Program achieves its mission through three main programs:
Scholarship Program
It offers a comprehensive support system to all of its students. Scholarships are awarded after an annual recruitment process. All students must meet the selection criteria.
Marine Biology / Conservation Program
The Marine Biology/Conservation Program specifically sponsors students studying marine biology or environmental science careers in UABCS university in BCS, Mexico.
Hospitality Program
The training incorporates a comprehensive approach to professional development that includes: life skills, hospitality basics, English language, and core values.